150th anniversary of the creation of Greater Colombia.
Historical map of Greater Colombia (Gran Colombia).
Stamp issued on 16.12.1969.
Face value: 0.45 Venezuelan bolívar.
Printing: Offset lithography.
Printed by Litografía del Comercio, Caracas.
Print: 1,000,000 copies.
- Michel No. 1816
- Scott No. 956.
- StampWorld No. 1835.
- Stanley Gibbons No. 2104.
- Yvert et Tellier No. 796.
Greater Colombia (Gran Colombia) is the historiographical designation of a large disappeared country in South America, which legally existed between 1819 and 1831, created by the Congress of Angostura (now Ciudad Bolívar) through a fundamental law ratified in 1821 in Cúcuta, where the national Constitution was drawn up. The country was formed by the union of Venezuela and New Granada into a single nation under the name of the Republic of Colombia, which was later joined by Panama (1821), Quito and Guayaquil (1822). The capital was Bogotá and the first president was Simón Bolívar. Its surface corresponded to the current republics of Colombia, Ecuador, Panama and Venezuela (including Guayana Esequiba) and other territories that later passed to Brazil, Peru, Nicaragua and Honduras. The country dissolved in the late 1820s and early 1830s, due to political differences between supporters of federalism and centralism, as well as regional tensions.
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