


Gulf of Morbihan.

Stamp issued on 06.05.2005.
Face value: 0.53 euro.
Design: Michel Bez (1951-2018).
Printed by ITVF (Imprimerie des Timbres-Poste et des Valeurs Fiduciaires), Périgueux.
Printing: Photogravure.
Print: 3,779,242 copies.
Size: 80 x 26 mm.

- AFA No. 4026.
- Michel No. 3936.
- Scott No. 3108.
- StampWorld No. 3901.
- Stanley Gibbons No. 4085.
- Unificato No. 3761.
- Yvert et Tellier No. 3783.

The Gulf of Morbihan (French, golfe du Morbihan; Breton, Mor Bihan) is an inland gulf or sea located at the bottom of Quiberon Bay, on the Atlantic coast of the Brittany region. It has a length of 20 km (12.4 mi) and a maximum width of 15 km (9.3 mi) and includes numerous islands and islets. Due to the presence of numerous species of migratory birds, its ancient marshes have been classified as a nature reserve. The gulf receives the waters of four main rivers: the Auray, the Vincin, the Marle and the Noyalo. It is an interesting area for the study of prehistory and especially the Neolithic period from 7500 years before our era; Numerous megalithic monuments (menhirs, dolmens and cairns) are found in it.

Thanks to Daniel Mathieu for his contribution (http://lettresdumonde.blogspot.com/)

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