


Definitive stamps.
Faidherbe Bridge over the Senegal River.
Firsy stamp in a set of 12, issued on 15.12.1935.
Face value: 1 cent of French franc.
Printed by Institut de Gravure, Paris.
Printing: Recess.
Size: 40 x 26 mm.

- Michel No. 118.
- Scott No. 142.
- StampWorld No. 124.
- Stanley Gibbons No. 139.
- Yvert et Tellier No. 114.

The Faidherbe Bridge over the Senegal River connects the island of the city of Saint-Louis with the African continent. The metal bridge, opened on July 14, 1897, is 507.35 m (1,664.5 ft) long and 10.5 m (34 ft) wide. It has eight spans, of which the five longest are 78.26 m (256.8 ft). Until the 19th century, access to the island was through boats. After the introduction of a ferry that could carry 150 passengers, the French colonial administrator Louis Faidherbe considered that the system was insufficient and proposed the construction of this road bridge.

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