Issue EUROPA C.E.P.T. 2020: Ancient Postal Routes.
Map of postal routes en 1812.
First stamp in a set of 2, issued on 17.08.2020.
Face value: 9.50 Moldovan lei.
Design: Vitaly Pogolsha.
Printing: Offset lithography.
Print: 4,000 copies.
- Michel No. 1130.
- Posta Moldovei No. 1157.
- Scott No. 1062.
- StampWorld No. 1136.
- Yvert et Tellier No. 988.
May 28, 1812, a peace treaty
between Russia and the Ottoman Empire was signed in Bucharest, ending the Russo-Turkish
War of 1806-1812. According to this treaty, Turkey ceded to Russia all of Bessarabia, the territory
located between the Prut and Dniester rivers, which is
that of the current Republic of
Moldova, officially independent on August 27, 1991. At that time, its own
postal service was created, with a center administrative in Chișinău,
established by the civil governor of Bessarabia, Scarlat Sturdza, and
the first postal routes were established. In 1816, the Chișinău postal service
was transformed into the Regional Postal Department. By the end of 1851, 50
post offices were already operating in the region and there were nine postal